
MaddieFrances Pro

Favorite films

  • Grizzly Man
  • A Midsummer's Night Dream
  • Total Recall
  • Spice World

Recent activity

  • Four Weddings and a Funeral

  • Heretic

  • Drive

  • The Wind in the Willows

Recent reviews

  • Barbie Mariposa

    Barbie Mariposa

    For the past several months my two year old niece and I have been working through the barbie cinematic universe and watching a different one each week

    normally she'll be interested for about twenty or thirty minutes and then will ask for Moana

    But not today!!

    as soon as it ended, she declared "Mariposa!! One more time! From the top!"

    and wowow my lil fairy auntie heart was oh so happy and absolutely started it one more time from the top!!

    and yes I already watched this for my fairy summer last year 🧚

  • Tin Man

    Tin Man

    ughhh it's not good but I love it so so so much and I remember staying up late to watch its TV premiere and then going to school the next day and telling my best friend it was the new 10th Kingdom (a very generous comparison - my beloved 10th Kingdom is obviously far superior duh)

    the 50th entry for my bitchy witchy winter ❄️

Popular reviews

  • Crossroads


    On this day twenty years ago, I saw this movie for the first time in theaters

    Written by a woman, directed by a woman, starring 3 women, about female friendship. Ahead of its time!!

    "...what we have is now. And right now, we have each other."

    Happy 20th anniversary Crossroads 💕

    Ps. One time when I was 19, I got stoned at my mom's house and started crying while listening to "I'm Not a Girl" on my ipod because it resonated with me so hard. Masterpiece.

  • Nosferatu


    when I started my vampire fest in September, folks kept asking me if was because of Eggers' Nosferatu coming out

    and I'd say: NOs-fer-thanktu!

    but ultimately I can't challenge fate and this I guess was destined to be the grand finale of
    the skin of a killer fest 2024 🩸

    and maybe it's because my expectations were basement level low, but I was actually kinda digging the first half!! sorry I'm a sucker (lolz) for some moody Eggers emo vibes!…
