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Recent reviews

  • Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!

    Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!


    it’s entirely possible that my positive experience/feelings towards this movie are due to the fact that I watched it with ella… but it also might just be a good movie?? I laughed I cried I cringed I closed my eyes I was bored during that middle third where nothing happens… all the signs of a great rom com. so the brus’s were clearly wrong. 

    I will admit that pete was not the most likable. and really the only likable characters were Angelica, Rosalee, and Rosalee’s dad. but otherwise this would’ve been a 4 star.

  • The Blind

    The Blind


    unexpectedly good

Popular reviews

  • First Man

    First Man


    olivia rodrigo said that if a boy wants to go to space, she doesn’t date them. she called it a red flag. but it’s clear that she just doesn’t understand the unconquerable determination of the male spirit. we have to go to space, olivia, because its there.

  • Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice


    gentlemen, I fear we may have failed women in the romance department. 

    the majority of letterboxd members do not hold to what I would call “traditional values”. words that I WOULD use to describe their values might include “pagan” or “twisted” or “damning”. and yet, not even these godless heathens could hide their burning desire for something godly and right. the “reviews” section for this movie is all the proof you need. I see that as a testament to the…
