

Favorite films

  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Dracula
  • Juno
  • Labyrinth

Recent activity

  • The Craft


  • Dracula


  • Renfield


  • Moonage Daydream


Recent reviews

  • The Craft

    The Craft


    I enjoyed this movie a lot, It was really fun to watch and quite sad and scary at times. I was quite disappointed by them going quite power crazy, even though it was bound to happen. I had seen it before once a few years ago but I didn't remember it at all so everything was unexpected.

  • Dracula



    This movie was so worth the wait I had before watching it. I have been surviving off of clips, video essays, and edits for so long and now I have finally watched it. It was so good, I enjoyed every second of it! Martin was really funny, I liked him. I think the ending happened quite fast and out of nowhere, but I also liked the ending so I can't complain about that. I love how creepy it was without…

  • Renfield



    I wasn't sure what to expect with this movie considering it had very mixed reviews, but I really loved it! I loved the introduction in black and white at the start which included Renfield's creepy laugh from Dracula. I saw a lot of people saying that Akwafina's character didn't really add anything and wasn't necessary and although for the actual storyline of the movie they're right, she was just kind of there to add a sort of romance to it,…

  • Moonage Daydream

    Moonage Daydream


    so soo interesting and entertaining! I love david bowie
