

Favorite films

  • Donnie Darko
  • Like Minds
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Recent activity

  • Evil Dead Rise


  • Saltburn

  • Se7en


  • Cléo from 5 to 7


Recent reviews

  • Evil Dead Rise

    Evil Dead Rise


    every insult/ word out of that things mouth burned hotter than the hell they ended up in

  • Saltburn


    did this movie feel like mr Ripley knock off? yea kinda
    did i also lowkey eat up the greek mythology references? yeah

Popular reviews

  • Mirrored Mind

    Mirrored Mind


    It's hard to put it into words when that blurry and suffocating feeling encompasses your whole being until your only thought is that of peace.
    While you are lost time isn't real you aren't real - nothing exists. In this movie the internal struggle of the mind manifest in a corporeal world in which only you and the salty air and the grass caressing your body exist -reminding you that you will be the first and last person to exist…

  • Speak No Evil

    Speak No Evil


    i get the message behind the film, i do but not because of the film it had a lot of potential but it just fell flat hard to feel sympathy when they acted in the stupidest ways in every situation
