I can't understand how a movie can be that funny and that bittersweet in the same time.
I guess, it's because of a witty and well - written script.
I can't understand how a movie can be that funny and that bittersweet in the same time.
I guess, it's because of a witty and well - written script.
A few notes on this magnificent film:
- Monstro Elisasue wearing Demi Moore poster's face is the most meta still in recent cinema that I can recall.
- This is the barbie movie I always wanted to see. Not the cheesy capitalistic unwatchable bullshit Gerwig served us
Monstro Elisasue spitting a baby boob in front of a bemused crowd works better than a thousand America Ferrera's "empowering" monologues.
- Where are all the male characters? I guess where they belong…
Without a doubt the worst, dumbest, most pretensious and in the same time offensive film I've ever seen in my entire life.
First things first, I'm not prude or something. It's not the sexually explicit scenes or the controversiality of the film that bothered me. It's just the fact that all the artistic decisions made by writer/director Catherine Brelliat are decisively detrimental to the film. She deliberately wants to shock her audience with every scene, that the very meaning of…