first half of the movie: GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME but like not with a twink
second half of the movie: okay nevermind nevermind NEVER MIND
pros: love love LOVE looking at Charlie day. he's one of the hottest men alive. he's also a very gifted director
cons: it's Hollywood navel-gazing. it doesn't go anywhere. it's just a bunch of different characters going around, they don't have any development whatsoever, it's not funny, it's not relatable, it's nothing. I felt like I was just looking at pretty images for an hour and a half expecting there to be something, but there wasn't. there was just Charlie…
o pai dela é pobre e vive de bico, mas tem uma casa super bem decorada e coloca a filha num colégio que tem armário. ele tem uma sugar mommy? a mãe da Larissa deixou uma herança foda pra eles e ele faz os bicos pra sonegar imposto? ele vende drogas? podia ser um filme muito mais interessante mas escolheram falar sobre a menina que toca ukulele mas tem um poster da patti smith no quarto
one of the most fun movies I've ever seen. it's camp, funny and not pretentious! velocipastor has soul, you can see that everyone enjoyed themselves while doing it. plus the director is hot, which is always a nice surprise