Is it better to speak or to die
"There's so much more to you than you know. Not just pain and anger, there's good too. I felt it. And you can access all of that. You'll possess a power no one can match, not even me."
I am so happy to write some actual good stuff on x-men!
After so many misses, after it felt like the x-men franchise is on its way to to the doom, we get a really good superhero movie, (which actually hides anโฆ
This movie is so fucking iconic. So fucking great. The camera work is outstanding. I love the flow and the music and the fact that everything is possible.
I hate the fact that they made me believe that bucky takes a serious part in this movie. It somehow came to an end, and I was so unsatisfied it hurts.
๐บ๐ธ MCU ranked ( boxd.it/bFpnG )
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