I like watching movies from the best to the worst
2 1/2 stars is average
The best way to show an audience that war is bad is by using giant awesome Gundams with swords and rocket launchers.
I’m not normally a huge anime fan so I decided to go out of my comfort zone with this film. Yeah, this does feel a little slow at times and the pacing is a bit weird with it being a compilation of the TV series (didn’t know that going in) but the designs and choreography more than make up for those short comings. Definitely going on Amazon to look at Gundam kits ASAP.
What a thriller! I finally decided to check out Cape Fear after watching The Simpsons episode parodying it countless times. Needless to say this was great! I haven't seen much of Scorsese's work yet, but this was a treat offering tense moments and an engaging story. Even though I knew a lot of the story beats going in I couldn't help but feel invested. De Niro is definitely the films biggest strength offering a killer performance that feels so intimidating.…
Incredibly blatant yet no doubt a joy to watch. Pattinson is amazing with the rest of the cast feeling quite solid. Nasha and Katz were the only real weak links here with their development feeling somewhat unsatisfying or underutilized. Still, Mickey 17’s obvious parody is just fun to watch. Overall Mickey 17 is a blast and the perfect weird flick for this very weird time.
P.S. I loved the creepers. Need one of those as a pet ASAP