please don’t value my opinion
Professional creative and AMC A-List card carrying member (please clap)
I know this movie didn’t really “predict” anything because we’re still just as fucking stupid if not stupid-ER but how the fuck did kubrick predict RFK Jr. down to the molecular level
insane how quotable this movie is every 10 seconds
frustrating that people keep focusing on how unfaithful to reality this is rather than focus on what it’s trying to say about fatherhood, shyamalan‘s relationship with his daughter and his obsession with his work. and saying this is such a stupid brainless fun movie is such a backhanded comment that is just as bad a read. it’s okay! you can just say it’s fun! it’s a fun movie with an edge and mind that speaks! things can be fun or…
Dune but everyone has holes in their socks.
it stumbles a little bit on the landing but this was phenomenal. one of bong’s most optimistic works especially coming from the same guy who made Parasite. marketing didn’t do this movie any favors and sells it like a space epic which it definitely isn’t but it’s much better than that. more focused and emotionally grounded. regardless of the story taking place hundreds (?) of light years away from earth, bong still…