🎞️Chris' neverending watchlist 🎞️

🎞️Chris' neverending watchlist 🎞️

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Dreams of a Life
  • La Dolce Vita
  • Videodrome

Recent activity

  • The Bad Seeds


  • Portland


  • The Chamber


  • Eureka


Recent reviews

  • The Bad Seeds

    The Bad Seeds


    Denmarch 2025 challenge #11. A Danish Film with Red on the poster.

    Brave and probably foolish that the two jail wardens go on an island trip with convicted criminals. The writing is on the wall at the restaurant, maybe the plan should have been squelched right there, but when someone feels so strongly about 'alternative' rehabilitation then I guess logic goes out the window? Clearly things will go wrong, a matter of when, not if. Thomas Bo Larsen was born to play these angry characters, you can’t take your eyes off him. Jens Okking as the fatherly, responsible elder is great too.

  • Portland



    Denmarch 2025 challenge #14. Any Film with Ulrich Thomsen

    Based on cinema I've seen that takes place in and around Aalborg, it's a miracle that the city managed to attract any tourists at all(!) 🤣 A dark, gritty drama set in the criminal underworld. Portland (1996) shares much in common with Nordkraft (2005), drug taking, drug dealing, intimidating dogs, and similar locations. In Niels Arden Oplev's feature debut, he and the cinematographer experiemented with night vision, resulting in a hazy,…

Popular reviews

  • Minority Report

    Minority Report


    Recommended by KJ

    Sci-fi action mystery-thriller. I remember when I saw the movie back in 2002 at the cinema a person sitting behind me commented out loud “Spielberg?” during the end credits. I can see where he was coming from as it’s darker than Spielberg’s typically sentimental approach, and could have been directed by another filmmaker.

    A Hitchcockian ‘man on the run’ story set in the year 2054, loosely based on the 1956 short story "The Minority Report" by Philip…

  • The Thing

    The Thing


    Prequel-that-really-is-a-remake. If you’re familiar with the 1982 version, you know what to expect from the creature, so the element of surprise is gone. There are moments of suspense, especially the autopsy scene.

    I appreciated the updated international cast. Not often you have Norwegian and Danish actors speaking their own language in a big Hollywood production, and distinguishes it from John Carpenter’s which included American researchers. I like the addition of humor which is funnier if you're Scandinavian.

    The dialogue this…