As entertaining as it is, 'The Wolf of Wall Street' feels uncomfortably content with allowing its dispicable protagonist to go relativley uncriticised for his excessive lifestyle and rampant misogyny.
Still funny though.
As entertaining as it is, 'The Wolf of Wall Street' feels uncomfortably content with allowing its dispicable protagonist to go relativley uncriticised for his excessive lifestyle and rampant misogyny.
Still funny though.
This movie starts out kinda subtle and ends up completely nuts, but its entertaining throughout.
At times, 'sorry to bother you' can feel like its attempting to tackle too many issues at once, however, the film is unafraid to get pretty wild with its imagery which ultimatley allows it to present a poignant crticism of capitalism and colonialism.
Do watch.
Retty good, bit weird tho wtf is up with all the feet????