The majority of movies made after 2000 are mediocre.
It’s not that tough being a film cricket.
Your mileage may vary depending on what belief system you carry going into this movie. It doesn’t really cover any new ground that your anti-religion friends might have already made you aware of.
That being said, it is still a wildly entertaining ride that is helmed by Hugh Grant who is plays a delightful weirdo.
I could go on about how Hugh Grant’s character’s ultimate belief is not true of ALL religions but I don’t want to give away too much.
I watched this three years after its initial release; when there was a glut of movies critical of the uber rich and privileged class. I really thought I would like this movie more than I did but at over 2 hours in length, it wore out it’s welcome. We get it, rich people suck. I didn’t need Woody Harrelson spouting Marxism for the 10 minutes he was on screen to tell me that.
The movie was just not pleasant to watch and by the last 20 minutes of the film I was ready to jump ship myself
Only movie I’ve seen where the dog seems to have a personal vendetta toward the villains.