An organised unorganised trail of thoughts.
I shant apologise for how long some of my reviews are.
It’s beautiful. Pixar showing off its nature animation. Just forgot to make a very good story around it. Not as bad as people make out but it only shines in small moments.
It will never get old seeing a bunch of my friends in the credits. Super proud of them for this one.
That Esmée St Cyr cameo??! How good.
I wasn’t expecting this to be so scary?! Damn I got the shivers hard in a couple moments, especially with Mary Rose creeping around.
Camille’s performance was fucking awesome as well.
There were a lot of really awesome shots in the movie. The lighting was PARTICULARLY stunning (and I’m not just saying that because of my brief love affair with the gaffer).
Someone told me recently that there are ‘no more auteurs in film today’, I present The Daniels.
I fucking love how unapologetically weird these guys are without confusing the audience and keeping us engaged as fuuuuuuck with such a fun and emotional movie.
I can’t wait for all the video essays pretentiously explaining the art behind this movie, trying to pretend that it didn’t stem from these two saying ‘I want people to have to shove things up their ass to teleport between universes and I want someone to die via dildos’
The Daniels have also MASTERED the match cut, best match cuts ever.