Matt Volpi

Matt Volpi Pro

I'm sorry if the goddamn chicken got overcooked

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man 2
  • Sunshine
  • Collateral
  • Little Women

Recent activity

  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


  • Mickey 17


  • The Monkey


  • Wicked Little Letters


Recent reviews

  • The World's End

    The World's End


    It's possibly a sign of my age that this is now the Wright/Peggy/Frost film that resonates with me most. The power of nostalgia, the wish to recapture the magic and the realisation that it's ultimately impossible feel so relevant to me right now in my mid-thirties in a way that never really clicked with me before.

    Of course it wouldn't work as well if it wasn't insanely funny. Letting Pegg out of the straight man role allows him to really…

  • Heat



    DeNiro is so relatable to me in this because I'm always hanging out with my girlfriend and then I'm like ah fuck I gotta go kill Waingro

Popular reviews

  • Lady Bird

    Lady Bird


    The line that really hit me was when her Mum tells her that her Dad has been suffering with depression for a while and Lady Bird says "I didn't know that."

    How many moments of irritability or passive aggression from our parents do we write off as them being unreasonable or "not understanding us" when we're younger, not realising those unpleasant emotions come from the stress of maintaining a family, struggling with money, or worse? We never ask and they'll…

  • Shiva Baby

    Shiva Baby


    "Who the fuck brings a baby to a shiva?"

    Danielle is at the centre of every shot. Every scene is about her. But she barely talks, instead drowning in the judgement of others, being pushed and pulled, grabbed and pinched. The dialogue comes from all around, often talking at her or about her, probing with their words or fingers, intruding and mocking, penning her in.

    It's genuinely hellish to watch at times and I was relieved when it was over,…