

Favorite films

  • Moonlight
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Departed
  • Midsommar

Recent activity

  • Spirited Away


  • Under the Shadow


  • The Help


  • Heavyweights


Recent reviews

  • Spirited Away

    Spirited Away


    One of the best movies of all time.

    Story and intrigue that grabs hold of you within a few minutes of hitting play. Top to bottom with lore and established politics that we are only getting a glimpse of in our time in this world. Beautiful, charming, and odd. Visuals that have the Ghibli standard of quality. Every Frame a Painting, you can literally pause at random and appreciate the detailed image on screen.
    Using the same voice actress that played Lilo from Lilo and Stitch is a great inclusion in retrospect.

  • Under the Shadow

    Under the Shadow


    An intriguing setting and a captivating performance from the main character pulled me into the movie early. Fairly straightforward plot with some subtext. The character is oppressed and haunted, with not nearly as much crossover as I expected. Overall tame, not too risky or original or artsy.

Popular reviews

  • Ju-on: The Grudge

    Ju-on: The Grudge


    Dread and slow terror that The Lady in Black wishes it had! This movie is scary in the way Japanese horror does best. A slow but unstoppable evil that is coming right for you... If only you could break from the spell of terror and flee before it gets it's hands on you.
    Delivers painful suspense and slow dread similar to Pulse, another Japanese horror with ghosts of sadness.
    The plot isn't the point to watch, nor is the acting. This is a good ol' scary movie and that's it.

  • The Bird with the Crystal Plumage

    The Bird with the Crystal Plumage


    An early blueprint for a flavor of thriller that has continued on. Stylized and fun, but without anything too brilliant in regards to writing or acting.
