
Max Pro

Favorite films

  • Inglourious Basterds
  • No Country for Old Men
  • I Saw the Devil
  • Shaun of the Dead

Recent activity

  • Rope


  • I Saw the TV Glow


  • Parasite


  • Shaun of the Dead


Recent reviews

  • Rope



    This was one of the best movies I have ever seen. God himself couldn’t have written a better script.
    I think the main characters might have been gay for each other.

  • I Saw the TV Glow

    I Saw the TV Glow


    I saw someone say “you gotta be trans or queer to get it” and, to that, I say the movie isn’t very good if you have to be a part of a specific group to get it. A good movie should, at the very least, be able to resonate with a broader audience. Having to be trans or queer to enjoy this movie really just emphasizes its lack of depth. With that being said, you are free to like and give this movie 4-5 stars all you want! I just think its delivery fell flat. Also, Justice Smith is not good at acting. I’m sorry.

Popular reviews

  • Masters of the Air

    Masters of the Air


    Just from watching the first two episodes, I can say that this show is literally just the two main characters, Buck and Bucky, glazing each other for 45 minutes every episode. The writing is awful, like genuinely bad. I’m not sure who is paying the folks over at IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes to give it an 8.2/10 or an 82% but it is certainly NOT good by any means. The CGI is wank as well. Most of the five star…

  • Come and See

    Come and See


    This is one of the most important films I have ever watched yet I didn’t enjoy a single second of it. It was two and a half hours of the most sobering depiction of war imaginable. You shouldn’t enjoy this film; no one should.
