“But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you, not even a little bit, not even at all.” 😭
Stone-cold classic and one of my faves, forever and always.
Heath’s smile can still light up the room ❤️
“But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you, not even a little bit, not even at all.” 😭
Stone-cold classic and one of my faves, forever and always.
Heath’s smile can still light up the room ❤️
“Yeah, I wanna win. But no matter what, win or lose, at the end of the day, I’m not you… so it’s still a good day.”
One of my favorite lines everrrrrr.
I ❤️ von Detten (though Christina Vidal is arguably the best actor of the bunch).
Considering going through every DCOM one day and officially ranking them, but this will always be my #1 😊🛹
I often struggle fully connecting with Scott Cooper films, but they’re typically solidly crafted with a strong ensemble.
This is might be the best Depp performance from the past 15 years or so, though I’m left wanting a little more out of it.
Also feel like much of the supporting cast is underutilized, particularly the great Jesse Plemons, who opens the film and then disappears for a majority of it.
Still probably the best Cooper film I’ve seen.
Tough watch as a dad, but really terrific performances, especially with each episode being a oner. Hadn’t realized it was from the Boiling Point director, so that makes sense.
Episodes 1 and 3 are probably my favorite just because Owen Cooper is so good, but Stephen Graham got me tears flowing in the final episode.
I do feel like we’re missing an episode, though…
What can I say? I’m a sucker for Christmas films from my youth.
“Billy had a wee hole in his heart.” 😭
I ❤️ me an otter, but that poor doggy looked so neglected ☹️
Interesting choice having the somewhat resentful wife narrate much of the film.
Gorgeous cinematography. Probably helps to live somewhere naturally beautiful, but still a visual feast!