Maarten DC

Maarten DC

Favorite films

  • Lost Highway
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Shadow of a Doubt
  • Picnic at Hanging Rock

Recent activity

  • The Lost One


  • The Divine Order


  • Runaway Jury


  • Lara


Recent reviews

  • Notorious



    After all these years, still a rare example of cinematic perfection.

  • From Beyond

    From Beyond


    “Don't you understand? This is the greatest discovery since Van Leeuwenhoek first looked through a microscope and saw an amoeba!”

    “Yeah, but he wasn't down there *with* the amoebas!”

Popular reviews

  • Annihilation



    “You can’t cross-breed between different species.”

    A biology professor who apparently doesn’t know what a mule is? And these ‘scientists’ entering a deadly zone not wearing protective suits and helmets, but... some kind of ghostbusters outfit? Very convincing! And what’s that mumbo-jumbo about ‘DNA refraction’? Come on, it’s nothing more than fantasy kitsch pretending to be science-fiction.

    One thing though I do understand: you cán cross-breed The Thing with Stalker, but the hybrid will probably be a pretentious, muddled mess.

  • Thou Gild'st the Even

    Thou Gild'st the Even



    Yes! This film exists! But why and what if it didn't? Or what should have happened if the people who watched it didn't exist in the first place? What then? Well, against all odds, I exist and I've watched this unique film that only could have come out of the brain of a lunatic, a lover or a poet because as Shakespeare knew:

    Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,
    Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend
    More than cool reason ever comprehends.
