Marc Downs

Marc Downs Pro

I love movies and watch one nightly.

Favorite films

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • The Dark Knight
  • Jaws
  • Back to the Future

Recent activity

  • Awakenings


  • Evil Dead II


  • Deadpool & Wolverine


  • X-Men: Days of Future Past


Recent reviews

  • Awakenings



    Awakenings (1990):

    This was the era when Robin Williams was testing his serious acting chops to prove he was more than a comedic actor, and what better way than to go up against arguably one of the greatest actors of all time, Robert De Niro? As I remember, it was a near-perfect pairing of two actors doing what they do best. Did it hold up to that memory? It sure did, and it reminded me that sometimes you need two…

  • Evil Dead II

    Evil Dead II


    Evil Dead 2 (1987):

    Sam Rami would go on to give us the best Spider-Man movie, one of my favorite baseball movies, For the Love of the Game, and the underrated Western The Quick and the Dead, but it all started with his Evil Dead trilogy. The first Evil Dead is a pure horror movie and my personal favorite of the series. The third entry of the trilogy Army of Darkness is a fun horror comedy, and I use the…

Popular reviews

  • Creed II

    Creed II


    Creed II (2018): If you seen any Rocky movie, then you know what you are getting here. With that said this is a damn entertaining film that proves that you could make a good to even great movie about the aftermath of the ridiculousness of the awesomeness of the fourth Rocky. Do the sins of the father have to become the sins of the sons? That is an interesting premises and it works for most part and never bores you…

  • Barton Fink

    Barton Fink


    Barton Fink (1991):

    I love the Coen Brothers. They make movies that relate well to my sensibilities, and most of their films are usually some of my favorites, but now and then, they have a film that doesn't resonate with me as I like. That doesn't mean I don't like those films of theirs, but the movies don't hit it out of the park like their peak films. Sadly, I have to say that about Barton Fink. It isn't a…
