Matt Ferguson

Matt Ferguson

Favorite films

  • Bram Stoker's Dracula
  • House
  • Godzilla
  • Speed Racer

Recent activity

  • Memento

  • Orca


  • The Bikeriders


  • Pulse


Recent reviews

  • Memento


    Memento was one of the first DVDs my dad ever bought, and he still owns that same copy today. You might say it’s become a… treasured keepsake.

    Really interesting to rewatch this and see little themes and motifs that would persist in Nolan’s later work. Obviously the nonlinear editing, but also stuff like the opening backwards sequence which now seems to presage Tenet, or ruminations on reality vs perception/memory that would continue in Inception (there’s even a bit where he…

  • Orca



    Shame Richard Harris is probably mostly remembered for Harry Potter, a film where he barely gets to flex even a tenth as much as he does in Jaws: But This Time, Whale

    (Also a shame critics at the time widely wrote this off as a Jaws cash-in when that’s like the most surface-level takeaway you could only have if you weren’t paying attention to it)

Popular reviews

  • Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial

    Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial


    The entire history of cinema - the Lumière brothers, Georges Méliès, Battleship Potemkin, German Expressionism, John Ford, the French New Wave, everything - it was all leading to one, singular moment being captured on film. And that moment is when Ultraman Zero's space pirate buddy Glenfire mimes slicking his hair back by running his fingers across the sides of his flame-shaped helmet, causing actual, literal flames to shoot out of his head in a burst of swaggering, cocky energy. And he does it multiple times.

  • Nosferatu



    Never using the word “contract” again now that this movie has given me “covenant papers”
