best believe i WILL find queer allegory
also hehe
What a fucking movie.
Rowley is a revolutionary that successfully toppled the hierarchy.
Kind of obsessed w making the protagonist the worst character in the whole series unable to see his mistakes no matter how plainly it’s set out in front of him.
Patty is very much the blueprint for Kipperlily Copperkettle.
David Lynch da je rođen na Balkanu i prošao kroz menopauzu
u drugom triptihu i thought “da li je to jinkx monsoon????” like bkv that’s herrrrrrr! WIG!
R Patz rlly has been hitting his stride, the clear distinction between 17 and 18 is wild, and the VOICE ! i genuinely adore him, especially in silly/outlandish roles.
Mark Ruffalo plays unlikeable characters so well (as well as beloved but he rlly shines in the absurdity of this and poor things). “gas them all” followed by a covering his mouth to cough in a moustache like manner was so well done.
So so so many purposefully frustrating parts with…
there was … a lot going on. INSANE premise of decapitating a dog and a man and then sewing their “useful” parts together. some very fun parts but also a fair bit that fell flat.
dare i say the gundam/living houses bit was weirdmageddon derivative.
sleepy kitty was very cute and made me go : D
also lowkey highkey enemies to lovers????