horror movie fanatic! 🔪🖤
currently on a mission to watch a horror film from every country in the world!
Horror Around the World: #12, Colombia
Visually one of the prettiest movies I have ever seen! Story wise …. Eh. I understand the message, I understand the want for non-traditional storytelling, but this really could have benefited from a more structured plot.
Actresses were great! I wish I had looked up a content warning before watching! Literally +6 for visuals, -3 for plot and that scene.
Horror Around the World: #11, Senegal
It was good until it wasn’t. Very From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), very Tarantino, very spaghetti western, very revenge horror. This had all the makings of a fantastic movie, I fear it just fell off a bit at the end.
Understanding the cultural significance helps a lot, and I’m hoping the corny spirits grow on me like the vampires did!
Horror Around the World: #2, South Korea
I can’t believe anyone would call this a slow burn, I feel like shit was flying off the handle from the second the movie started
As derek said:
Feels like you wrote a personal essay then someone plagiarized that personal essay without the context, nuance, and experience of the original writer.
As fans of the original film this just fell flat in so many places, and really lacked the central horror themes that the original so insanely brings about. The original itself is so grounded in the cultural nuances of Denmark (watching with a Dane was such a gift!!) that it simply doesn’t translate to…