
melissy Patron

Favorite films

  • David Lynch: The Art Life
  • Jaws
  • Jurassic Park
  • The Shining

Recent activity

  • The Phantom of the Opera

  • The Conversation

  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

  • Battle Royale

Recent reviews

  • Safety Last!

    Safety Last!

    I think the film makers would be happy to know that, 100 years later, my mom was actually stressed out by the building climbing scenes.

  • Race with the Devil

    Race with the Devil


    I had low expectations, but this is a fun one. Fairly light on the horror, but they do a good job setting up the paranoia and later chase scenes. The chase scenes are great, lots of vehicular carnage. The acting from the male leads is great, of course, but I wish the female leads had more to do. It seemed like they were going to be interesting in the beginning, but the characters devolved into the useless and screaming trope. Love the shock ending, though.

    Hooptober (31/31)
    Made in Texas (2/2)

    OHMC (60/31)

Popular reviews

  • End of Days

    End of Days


    I get that I'm in the minority here, but I love this movie. Gabriel Byrne has to be in my top 5 cinematic Devil depictions. He's the perfect blend of campy sexy chaos (although I could do with more of the creepy intensity, but, this movie is more horror-light). And, I mean, the Governator is the Governator. Of course, Robin Tunney is almost too genuine as the not entirely helpless damsel in distress.
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  • The Shining

    The Shining


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