juno more like jork
i forgot how much i lauv this movie. Give me a paul bleeker lord please give me a paul bleeker 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ok so tbh oliver lauren and i were superrrrr distracted during this movie bc we were working thru some trauma and baking cookies. But oliver and i sang and lauren laughed ! So it was a silly fun time and i enjoyed the coloring and we had a bet going on who is gay. Not sure still who won the 40 dollars but i know it wasnt me
i saw "i saw the TV glow" hahah! anyway i was really excited for this movie because i liked the visuals the actors and ALEX G!!!! this movie wasnt what i was expecting but it was just so beautiful and raw. This movie made me uncomfortable in the best way possible and has become one of my favorites. Super happy to have watched this with my boyfriend and my friends because it made it even more special!!! let boys be…