Michael J Dolan

Michael J Dolan Pro

Favorite films

  • RoboCop
  • Akira
  • Dredd
  • The 'Burbs

Recent activity

  • Moana 2

  • Madagascar

  • Nova Seed

  • Coco

Pinned reviews

  • The Amityville Horror

    The Amityville Horror

    I've lived in loads of places that would make a priest vomit.

Recent reviews

  • Moana 2

    Moana 2

    I don't think I really realised first time around but there's a surprising amount of GOO in this movie, it's GOO HEAVY, it LOVES GOO, and I kind of have to respect it.

  • Madagascar


    This is distressingly ugly.

Popular reviews

  • Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks

    I missed Twin Peaks when it was broadcast and was relegated to catching up with it on VHS after the fact (a very expensive way to watch TV). What I didn't realise was the "pilot" on the UK VHS release was actually a re-edited feature length movie that just straight up told you who did the whodunnit and I spent the rest of the series totally lost as to why the whole world had been caught up in "who killed…

  • Guest House Paradiso

    Guest House Paradiso

    Ade directed the fuck out of this.