

Favorite films

  • Iron Man
  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  • Casino Royale
  • Inglourious Basterds

Recent activity

  • Companion


  • Lincoln


  • Smile


  • Reservoir Dogs


Recent reviews

  • Companion



    Very entertaining, quick film. It goes by fast. Not really scary or eerie like I thought it would be. They could have made it at night and made it a lot scarier and more like a real thriller but chose not to. A good amount of plot twists too

  • Lincoln



    This one is not fans of history. I am a huge one, however. This was gas. Fact checking the names during the movie, seeing the accuracy of it, and Daniel day Lewis literally felt as if he was Abraham Lincoln. I swear I was watching the real Abe on screen at times. Best president of all time. We should remember what our nation has went through and how much blood has been shed for freedom and equality of all. The…

Popular reviews

  • Glass Onion

    Glass Onion


    Started great, middle was great, ending was underwhelming.. took way too long to finish out the story, and they revealed who it was a little too earlier. Like I found out who the killer was, so now I don’t care. 

    Daniel Craig masterclass carried.

  • The Revenant

    The Revenant


    Great beginning, great end, boring, so boring and mid of a middle. What a drag during the middle of the movie. Man.
