The ending of Episode 4. I’ve not ugly cried like that in years.
Incredible series about such important subject matter.
The ending of Episode 4. I’ve not ugly cried like that in years.
Incredible series about such important subject matter.
Soulless American remake #631. It says a lot about how much difference good acting chops make when Michael Caine in the original was far more menacing and intimidating than all the brash, muscular and in your face-ness of Sylvester Stallone.
As the first line of the theme song from “Octopussy” goes, “All I wanted was a sweet distraction for an hour or two.” That line sums this film up perfectly. It’s a load of fun, with Roger in top form in a very entertaining film. Such a shame it wasn’t Roger’s last, because it would have been a great way to bow out.
I’m sorry but am I missing something here?? I am genuinely unable to comprehend how this series has garnered the hype and critical acclaim that it has.
It’s not even remotely good in any aspect.
Oh where do I begin?
Firstly, neither of the lead characters have any redeeming qualities or traits which make them relatable or even in the least bit likeable. Dexter is a posh twat and Emma is an arsehole snob with an embarrassingly awful Yorkshire accent.…