Saw this on IMAX in Saigon for a rerun.
Seeing this on a giant screen is a life changing experience. It’s almost religious.
Saw this on IMAX in Saigon for a rerun.
Seeing this on a giant screen is a life changing experience. It’s almost religious.
Shot and edited like a student film. Superficial, on-the-nose jokes. Had to put an end to my suffering half way through. The fact that this film is nominated for four Oscars including Best Picture blows my mind.
Seen at the Aero theater on 35mm followed up by Q&A with director Guillermo Del Toro. “Vision and Darkness” version aka Black and White.
This is my second watch of the film, and also a second time attending Guillermo’s Q&A after the show. It is, however, my first time seeing it in black and white (as desired by the director himself). This film belongs to the Black and White, not colors. If anything, colors destroy the story. It’s the chance…