

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Hard Boiled
  • Ghost in the Shell
  • Bloodsport

Recent activity

  • Catch the Heat


  • Code of Silence


  • Broken Rage


  • Cool Hand Luke


Recent reviews

  • Code of Silence

    Code of Silence


    Plenty of exciting setpieces with the final shootout at the warehouse being the standout. I feel like there might be too much going on and so the ending leaves some plotlines dangling, albeit with resolutions heavily implied--thinking specifically the one dealing with Cragie planting the gun on the kid he kills and Norris' partner's decision to admit what he saw. Speaking of, there's a few moments where it feels like one of the other cops is going to appear to back Norris up but they never do. He truly is a one-man-army--which is fine! Although it goes against the overall more grounded feel of this film.

  • Wild at Heart

    Wild at Heart


    wild at heart and weird on top

Popular reviews

  • Gordon Lightfoot: If You Could Read My Mind

    Gordon Lightfoot: If You Could Read My Mind


    I saw Gordon Lightfoot in concert back in 2011 and there were a couple (drunk, I assume) people in our section who really wanted to hear Canadian Railroad Trilogy and kept yelling at him to play it. When he finally did, it was the third last song of the set, and as I recall part of the second encore, so they spent the rest of the show up to that point getting really riled up and eventually began yelling, "play…

  • Ms .45

    Ms .45


    I've always loved the idea of these types of films--not rape & revenge films specifically, but vigilantism in cinema as a whole. Might be the fact that I grew up with comic book characters like Batman and the Punisher, I'm not really sure. Whatever the case, I've always kind of sought out revenge films but usually walked away disappointed. The thing with vigilantism is, you really can't approach it as a black and white issue. Case in point, the best Batman…
