

Favorite films

  • La Haine
  • Children of Men
  • mid90s
  • Withnail & I

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  • Come and See


  • Come and See


  • Poor Things


  • Amadeus


Recent reviews

  • Come and See

    Come and See


    By any measure most disturbing and realistic war film to date. That said, this film feels not so much about war as about death, dread and fear. It does not try to encompass the whole tragedy and history but focused on the atrocities of one small corner of Europe and on one small boy simply trying to survive as his surroundings fall into a chaos and evil of biblical proposition. On the way he meets more individuals, the nurse girl,…

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    With so much hype around this film I was bound to be a little disappointed, and in some ways I was. The usual things this director does best where still great: the cast, dialogue, visuals, and this is by far his most hilarious film. Mark Ruffalos character is stupendous. I can’t deny that it was visually striking or that I was hooked start to finish. It was an excellent story, but what nagged at me the whole time was that…

Popular reviews

  • Ballerina



    This film is so god damn pleasing to the eyes, even when your watching some guy being forced to eat glass it looks nice. The editing and cinematography isn’t anything genius, it’s just incredibly smooth, smart and cinematic.
    In a way it’s a typical action revenge flick, but it knows that. It’s not trying to take it from a different angle but instead uses action cliches to its advantage. Not taking itself too seriously and just trying to give the…

  • Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

    Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai


    Hip Hop, Samurais, Italian American Gangsters, Jim Jarmusch - Everything I love stuffed into a film and somehow a tragically massive let down. It had its moments, but for the most part the story was boring, the acting was poor and I know nothing about editing but even I could tell it was sketchy. So many great ideas that were terribly delivered. Good thing RZA was on the music - the soundtracks was the one redeemable factor. This should of been my favorite film, what a waste. 
