Mister Chu

Mister Chu Pro

Much luck to you if not at all impossible.

Favorite films

  • Withnail & I
  • The Sweet Hereafter
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • All That Jazz

Recent activity

  • Get Out


  • Unforgiven

  • Memento

  • Klute


Recent reviews

  • Falling in Love

    Falling in Love

    I like this film for a bunch of reasons, but also because I came to America to live in a New York exactly like this one and that place (and that life) are all long gone and it amazes me how nostalgic one can be for a time you'd never want back and in truth you fled from because, well, you fell in love. However, I also think by the third or fourth time you see a proper movie you either need to write an essay explaining why or just shut up forever.

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    There are some films I find I can hardly watch and this is one of them. I often think about seeing certain things later in life, but this is one I somehow wish had been released twenty years before it was. The immigrant's dilemma maybe, lives left behind and almost forgotten. But not quite.

Popular reviews

  • A Spy Among Friends

    A Spy Among Friends



    I'm used to things getting worse, this got better.

    Lewis is excellent, despite the obvious wardrobe/hornrims, but he suffers from being known. If we had never seen him before this performance might be an A, as it is: B- (which is unfair).

    Guy Pearce is also decent, I always have thought of him as shallow because of being a certain kind of handsome, but in this, like Philby, he has begun to rot.

    The leader of this piece however…

  • Dune: Part Two

    Dune: Part Two


    Somewhat psychedelic Star Wars with modern Maoris, pretty pictures, and a Zimmer mostly under control.