No Nostalgia Critic

No Nostalgia Critic

Two twenty somethings who have been media bereft for far too long. It's time we watch all the films you're meant to have watched by now.

Favorite films

  • *batteries not included
  • The Man with Two Brains
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Recent activity

  • Point Break


  • Inception


  • The Matrix


  • Ghostbusters


Recent reviews

  • Point Break

    Point Break


    Fellas is it gay to become completely obsessed with another man to the point of mutual destruction???

    This film felt very long. Almost... too long.

    What was this meant to make us feel? What was the lesson here? Like I feel like we were meant to be rooting for Utah, but also somehow Bodhi? Maybe that's the point. Maybe we're stupid. We're open to that possibility.

    The gore felt very sudden. Like that lawnmover bit? Terrifying. And the shot to…

  • Inception



    What a fun, interesting, deeply intriguing concept with the absolute worst protagonist ever. This could have been a wonderful heist movie if Cobb wasn't in it. Like what a horrible man. We didn't care for him in the slightest. Every problem was directly caused by him, and if he just didn't take part in the dream sequences and instead just helped plan stuff out, it all would have gone off without a hitch.

    We'd heard that this was a very…

  • The Matrix

    The Matrix


    We are still laughing at the end shot of this movie. Flying at the screen like superman was an insane note to end on.

    We thoroughly enjoyed this film though and see why it's a classic. All of the action is very fun, and we were rooting for the protagonists the whole time (despite the both of us knowing ourselves well enough to know that we would in fact take the blue pill). The worldbuilding is developed at a great…

  • Ghostbusters



    Looking at this film through a modern lens, uninhibited by nostalgia (neither of us had seen it yet) makes for uneasy viewing. Whilst parts of this film were fun (the entirety of Spengler’s participation was a highlight) the entirety of Bill Murray’s character dampens our enjoyment. As a character he is reprehensible, and for a while we thought we had missed a subplot where he drank heavily, as that is the only explanation for his 'quips'. His treatment of the…
