
Daniel Pro

An amateur film viewer who is fulfilling my dream of catching up on films I have missed since I was a kid.

Favorite films

  • sex, lies, and videotape
  • Blow Out
  • Running on Empty
  • The Parent Trap

Recent activity

  • Dirty Dancing


  • Challengers


  • The Wild Robot


  • Babygirl


Recent reviews

  • Dirty Dancing

    Dirty Dancing


    It had been YEARS since I last one of the most legendary 80s films: Dirty Dancing. The chemistry and acting - dang. The location - dang. The dancing - dang. What a great film. As much as I cheer at the end of the film, it is heartbreaking to watch Swayze, one of the best. Got me all mushy but hey - that’s what this movie is for. Perfect for an in-flight film.

  • Challengers



    Short and sweet: Zendaya was so mean and I was convinced she was Tashi so props to that. Loved the two male actors, especially Josh. Both of them really fell into their characters and were v cute when in the same scene together. I felt that many scenes, such as in the restaurant, the cafeteria, the bedrooms were all the first take due to how genuine and vulnerable they all were. This movie looooves to bounce you around (like a…

Popular reviews

  • sex, lies, and videotape

    sex, lies, and videotape


    Still one of the best films I have ever seen. Each character is so well done, from the script, to the expressions, to the mannerisms, to the actors. The camera work was fantastic, and the use of videotapes was so perfect here. They were applied very well for 1989. McDowell is by far my favorite here but watching it again and seeing little nuances of everyone was such a joy. For a film to be this deep about personalities and…

  • The Hills Have Eyes

    The Hills Have Eyes


    Wow. What an experience! 

    Sure, the cannibals were somewhat campy in some parts and less believable but Craven nailed it with the environment and how bleak it was for everyone, including the villains. It’s impressive how minimal it was and got so much accomplished. Certainly didn’t expect those that lived at the end to be alive, and certainly didn’t expect such violence. The violence combined with the makeup and effects while running over huge boulders must have been quite a…