

A dreaded cinephile (I like most movies I watch)

Favorite films

  • City of God
  • Frances Ha
  • Rushmore
  • It's a Wonderful Life

Recent activity

  • Doctor Strange


  • The Gospel According to Matthew


  • Walking the Streets of Moscow


  • Assa


Recent reviews

  • Doctor Strange

    Doctor Strange


    Continuing to watch all the MCU movies with my child....never saw this when it released. A perfectly competent and fine "phase 3" MCU movie. I have a feeling that this era of the MCU in particular has about 5 years until it's looked upon with intense nostalgia by people. The special effects in this are actually really ambitious and interesting. Villain is meh but whatever most one off MCU movies have meh villains.

  • The Gospel According to Matthew

    The Gospel According to Matthew


    Definitely one of the best Jesus films ever made. I can see why the Vatican lists this as the best film on Christ. The beauty of this movie is it's simplicity: every single line of dialogue in it is just word for word from Matthew's Gospel (which has always been my favorite Gospel) and it just goes to show when you read it at face value, it's incredibly radical. Passolini was of course a staunch atheist and Marxist but he…

Popular reviews

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

    The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


    Perfect movie

  • Nosferatu



    Alright I had to let this one stew overnight. When I got out of the theater, yes, I thought "tf was with the mustache?! That was good but yeah that's a 3 star movie". I think I thought that Eggers would play into the silence of the original and the way Max Schreck glides around the whole movie and just stares at you, of course in his own Eggers way. Instead, because Eggers is a huge lover of historically accurate…
