I want to watch more movies.
The best movies are the ones that change the way I watch movies.
This movie does not know whether to be an unsubtle issue movie, a morally gray revenge drama, or an oversaturated girlboss Joker thing. It often switches between those modes, which is a shame, because it is best when being two or more of those things at once. When it works, it really works.
The unsubtlety isn’t a flaw, especially when dealing with issues like sexual assault and rape culture, but some of the dialogue is unbearably annoying. Like in Fennell’s…
I am not made of stone. This story of the bonding between a ferocious little kitty and a gentle mistreated pit bull is sweet and adorable and sad. I absolutely love the character designs of the scraggly little kitty and big old dog. That kitty is literally me. I love this sad cute short.
Parasite is the rarest thing of all, a movie that does everything right, from plot to character to cinematography, themes, and production design. I enjoyed the other Bong Joon-ho movies I watched, the wacky sci fi satires, but this is a masterpiece. Sometimes a movie is a delicious four-course meal, and this is one of those cases.
This movie cared more about the characters than I was expecting. The Kims are poor and desperate enough to do anything to get…
During the first half hour or so of this movie, I wondered why my high school teacher, who showed movies every Friday, didn’t show this one. After all, the fall-winter boarding school academia atmosphere is immaculate, with the directing being predictably great. Well, now I know.
I do not trust Robin Williams’s teaching methods in this. I do not approve of him ripping pages out of textbooks, encouraging teenagers to defy their parents, or being perfectly fine with his students…