Max Phillips

Max Phillips

Favorite films

  • Prisoners
  • Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  • WALL·E
  • Avengers: Endgame

Recent activity

  • Blindspotting


  • Voicemails From Strangers


  • High Life


  • Vivarium


Recent reviews

  • Blindspotting



    All these 1-2 star reviews from white people about how 'unsubtle' this movie is aor how it has no 'nuance' can fuck off. This movie doesn't have to be subtle, it doesn't want to be subtle. It's entire intention is to be as loud and clear as possible. It wants to shoot you in the face with it's message, because it's an important message! It's trying to be blatantly clear about the kind of racist and prejudice shit that is…

  • Voicemails From Strangers

    Voicemails From Strangers


    So I spent 45 minutes listening to dozens of different voicemails from random people and it was interesting and contemplative.

    People shared their lives, their stories, whether big or small it was curious to get a look into the life of dozens of people what they're getting up to, how they're feeling any dilemmas they're facing.

    It's by no means some elaborate and deep concept but its a great watch if your just looking for a little perspective 🙂

Popular reviews

  • Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame


    That was everything I've ever wanted and more.

    10 Goldblums out of a possible 10

  • First Man

    First Man


    This is one of the most well made films ever. The attention to detail and accuracy Chazelles has put in this movie is fantastic. Replicating 2 of Neil's houses, Multiple spacecrafts, Using real locations (filming at Cape Canaveral) and using real recording of operators talking to Astronauts in the film is just amazing.

    And that doesn't even cover the amazing technical work from the camera and special effects teams to capture some beautiful shots or the magnificent score from Justin Hurwitz which blends with the setting so wonderfully.

    This is one of those movies that make you just gape at how well crafted it is.
