Andrew Nattan

Andrew Nattan

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Sunshine
  • Dredd

Recent activity

  • Sisu


  • Idiocracy

  • Inglourious Basterds


  • Napoleon

Recent reviews

  • Sisu



    Sometimes you just want to see a man decapitate Nazis underwater and suck the air from their lungs.

  • Idiocracy


    Thanks to the flu, my brain is mush. Not quite mush enough to enjoy this utter dreck. It's "plebians vote wrong" the movie. It's "Rick and Morty is cerebral" the motion picture. It's "my 2:2 in sociology makes me better than you" the feature length episode.

    Smug, dull, shite.

Popular reviews

  • Alien: Covenant

    Alien: Covenant


    It's just like Prometheus, another film which has no characters I can remember beyond Fassbot.
    Alien and Aliens weren't great just because of the cinematography and creature design - both of which Covenant has. They were great because of characters. Ripley, Ash, Dallas, Hicks, Bishop, Newt, Apone...
    It's a well directed, ultimately hollow film with some OK gore and action. But there's no characters to care about, just mannequins for the CGI gleep glops to mutilate.

  • Inglourious Basterds

    Inglourious Basterds


    Underneath all the obnoxious Tarantinoishness of it all, there's a three and a half star film trying to get out.

    But, honestly, who has the energy?

    Decent enough flu-ridden couch watch.