

Favorite films

  • Aliens
  • 28 Days Later
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Ghostbusters

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  • Do the Right Thing


  • Arcadian


  • Heretic


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Recent reviews

  • Do the Right Thing

    Do the Right Thing


    Nobody does the right thing. Except for ‘the mayor’.

  • Arcadian



    If you like the creature design you might get a little more out of this than I did. I have a really hard time seeing these things cause an apocalypse.

Popular reviews

  • Curve



    Curve your enthusiasm. This actually is a pretty watchable movie, just nothing too exceptional.

  • Final Girl

    Final Girl

    Abigail Breslin just isn't convincing at all as a teenage assassin in this. 13 years of training and she can barely ball her hands into a fist. Still, she has maybe the worst mentor/trainer of all time so it's not entirely her fault.

    In one of the more ridiculous training sequences, Veronica (Breslin) is told she can't use guns-because guns 'run out of bullets', and that her intended victims might throw rocks at her. This is all explained with deadly seriousness.

    Also curious where she hung that noose from.