
Bryan Pro

Favorite films

  • Dark City
  • The Transformers: The Movie
  • House on Haunted Hill
  • The Raid

Recent activity

  • Werewolves


  • Dirty Laundry


  • The Changeling


  • The House of the Devil


Recent reviews

  • Werewolves



    What if instead of the purge it was werewolves. Well hell yeah its almost just as dangerous or more as werewolves don’t care about human bullshit and they are just hungry for human flesh

    Dead bodies x 17
    Gallons of blood x600
    Taser fu
    Punk rock werewolf
    Car crash with burn
    Patriotic nut with crossbones marvel mask
    Fridge fu
    Body fu into electric fence
    Cat and mouse

  • Dirty Laundry

    Dirty Laundry


    A couple find a bag with a million dollars belonging to the mob. Of course the mob wants their money back and a string of Hijinx will take place for a movie like this you would expect it to be bad but it’s hilarious. 

    Snorting detergent 
    Guitar beat down
    Dojo beat down 
    Soap bottle pee distraction fu 
    Mob guy running from a pool lady 
    Chinease resturant food fight
    Old women shooting at police and running 
    Miami vice refrence 
    Back to…

Popular reviews

  • Frogman



    It’s annoying at first but then it ramps up and is fun hop in the woods. Sure it’s like Blair witch but who cares they went  a different route and it works damn it

  • Super Mario Bros.

    Super Mario Bros.


    Today on Miraculous World, The Mario Bros go to another dimension and then to work on a broken dishwasher. Also, fuck you this movie was awesome in theaters, awesome when John Leguizomo talked about it during his stand up, awesome when the deleted scenes were found, and would be amazing if this hit 4K as a directors cut. 

    How can you hate the haircuts from the koopa minion. How could you not like Luigi hitting on Daisy and Mario being…