oh, this one got me good.
sundays are going to suck for a long long while once this show is done.
oh, this one got me good.
sundays are going to suck for a long long while once this show is done.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Glad to see that The Thing managed to find further acting work. Definitely has a message, but I'm so conflicted about the final act that I'm not sure how I felt about the whole movie. I think I enjoyed it? There were some scenes that did make me laugh - Sue Sparta kicking Elisabeth, the 2001 Space Odyssey theme, the pseudo-DOOM level footage at the end, but the third act went so off the rails almost too quickly for me.…
why have we not brought these guys back they're awesome
tlotoxl, you dickhead, why are all the other aztecs chill and you can't be