Munsi Parker-Munroe

Munsi Parker-Munroe

I did it! I finally bothered to get a letterboxd going!!!

Favorite films

  • I Saw the TV Glow
  • Tank Girl
  • Nimona
  • The Menu

Recent activity

  • Maximum Overdrive


  • Bullet Train


  • Better Man


  • Jacob's Ladder


Recent reviews

  • Maximum Overdrive

    Maximum Overdrive


    Finally! A movie with an appropriate amount of overdrive!!!

    This is not, technically speaking, what anyone would call a "good" movie, and if a good movie is what you're looking for you're going to come away disappointed. If, however, you're in the market for something endearingly bonkers that shows off some of the most insane lines of dialogue every committed to film, you'll probably get a kick out of this.

    You need a very specific mood to enjoy this movie, but if that's the mood you're in you'll probably get a kick out of it.

  • Bullet Train

    Bullet Train


    There's a sincerity to this movie, and a palpable sense of joy, that I appreciate very much. It's big, and it's violent, and it's stylish and silly and so much fun. The kind of film you rewatch every year or so and never get tired of. If you like dumb but fun this is the dumbest, everyone should watch this movie.

Popular reviews

  • Better Man

    Better Man


    This is the only good film biography that has ever been made, in the history of motion pictures.

    Okay, I might be overstating things, but be honest, AM I overstating things? Hollywood biographies are so frequently dire, and unwatchably safe safe, and exactly the same as one another, that this kind of wild, insane swing for the fences becomes a refreshing breath of desperately needed fresh air.

    This was an extremely weird movie. The Robbie Williams film biography, in which…

  • Jacob's Ladder

    Jacob's Ladder


    Spoiler alert: This movie is, in fact, a Jacob's Ladder scenario.

    On a related note, if your movie has a scenario named after it, you've probably made a pretty good goddamn movie! It's terse, and surreal, and claustrophobic, the performances are great and, even if you already know how it ends, watching things move toward that inevitable end creates an atmosphere of fascination and dread.

    I knew what a Jacob's Ladder ending was, but none of the details of how we get there. Learning those details was a wild ride.
