John Beauchamp

John Beauchamp

Favorite films

  • The Transformers: The Movie
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  • Dead Man
  • The Thing

Recent activity

  • Heretic


  • Upgrade


  • Lost Highway


  • Whitney


Recent reviews

  • Heretic



    I simultaneously like this movie and don't know what to think about it. There was less of a maze aspect to it than I thought there would be. I enjoyed Hugh Grant as a torcherous villain. I'm not clear on what message the movie is pitching. It's either a very simple message on the benefits of faith in the face of the observable or there's something more complex there. Will have to look into other people's thoughts on it.


  • Upgrade



    This movie surprised me. In a way my prediction at the beginning of the movie was correct but in a larger way it wasn't is all I'll say there.

    The action scenes are also awesome although the amount of cuts at time is incredibly disorienting.

    But neat cyberpunk dystopian noir kind of movie.

Popular reviews

  • Horse Girl

    Horse Girl


    Man that was intense! And that kind of tension from a protagonist that you just know has to have a false sense of reality, but the movie does an excellent job of making you unsure. Going to have to watch this again.

  • BEEF



    I like the weird stuff. 

    10 episodes is probably a couple too many. But man the show really ramps up and then goes weird. 

    A24 production.   I laughed, I said oh shit, and then the show went Evangelion. Definitely not for everyone but you know, weird won the Oscars so maybe there are more of my kind out there than I think. 

    Will watch again.