

quarantine made me watch a lot of movies & i ended up here but I’m not mad about it

Favorite films

  • The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
  • Little Women
  • Judas and the Black Messiah
  • Minari

Recent activity

  • Wicked


  • Uglies


  • Moana 2


  • Lover, Stalker, Killer

Recent reviews

  • Wicked



    I honestly have no complaints. 

    Going into the movie, the only knowledge i had of Wicked was of the musical’s most popular songs like “Defying Gravity” and “Popular.” I was wary of how good this would be because it’s so popular and everyone was raving about it, but i honestly loved every second of it. Thank God i wasn’t a theater kid because i fear I’d be one the most annoying of them all.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this.

  • Uglies



    I never read the book but i could tell that this was nothing like it or at least lacking many of elements that people loved about it

Popular reviews

  • Judas and the Black Messiah

    Judas and the Black Messiah


    again, i have lots to say:
    1. Never have i ever been more attracted to an era of fashion, whew. Why don’t we dress like this anymore??
    2. I just think it’s funny how this is the third movie lakeith standfield & lil rel howery have been in together (even if lrh didn’t have a big part) and the second movie the two of them & Daniel kaluuya have been in together
    3. It’s so crazy how Fred hampton was SO young…

  • Midsommar



    i hope the fact that i wasn’t disturbed by this movie doesn’t mean i have some sort of underlying problem😭