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Recent reviews

  • In Bruges

    In Bruges


    Is Colin Farrell obsessed with the word, Vietnamese or something?

    In Bruges is a weirdly good film, and I say weirdly as it’s not my cup of tea style, but also a style I’ve never really been exposed to. Say Tarantino meets Film4/low budget British cinema. Such a weird vibe, but a good one, not something I’d like to be a massive genre, but am excellent little , one-time gem to watch when you’ve gone through the other comedic crime films.


  • Conclave



    The day Ralph Fiennes wins an Oscar is the day I'll sleep happy and know cinema has been completed.

    Till that day, keep fighting my boy! As after watching the Oscars and seeing the winners... Adrian Brody has blood on his hands to me, taking the award away from this absolute once in a life time British star! Up there for the best British actor of all time after this Italian blockbuster of a film that did the biggest U-turn…

Popular reviews

  • Cast Away

    Cast Away


    Classic Tom Hanks.

    Another case of an individual carrying a film, but required to do so in this case! Think this film will go down as a classic for me now, even though in 21 years too late to the film. Amazing plot which plays with emotions heavily, which many films struggle to do so now. 

    Without spoilers, a tense and thrilling narrative that will leave you feeling for the survivor in his struggles to survive. Only things that stop…

  • Donnie Brasco

    Donnie Brasco


    Johnny Depp going to the depths… lol

    Donnie Brasco, after doing my research post film, has an incredible story. What he did in unearthing the underworld of US mafia was incredible and the fact he got the what he did (not revealing if he lives or dies) was amazing. A true undercover officer… and what a job he did (similar to what Depp did un 21 Jump Street… lol).

    But I’m sorry, the story, as incredible as it is, just…
