Singlehandedly keeping AMC Brick Plaza open since May 2000.
Insta- @nate_highley
I’m sorry guys Clint is just too good at this. This is what we need more of. Mid-budget films that are about real ordinary people with stellar direction, acting and writing. I hope Hollywood decides to make more of these that don’t need to be attached to a legend like Clint Eastwood. Justice > Feelings sorry Justin.
Why this movie was not adequately advertised or in awards conversation is mind-boggling.
Mandatory film for the boys.
Poignant as I get further and further from twelve, and start to see moments from those times clearer than I did then. Beautiful stuff.
The federal government actually solves a problem! (That was entirely created by the federal government).
“BlOw ThAt PiEcE oF JuNk OuT oF ThE SkY”
like kylo’s goons can hit the Falcon lol
This is a movie about failure, and I failed to recognize how good it is initially. Kudos to Rian.