Dace Čaure

Dace Čaure Pro

Critic, curator, cinephile.
Cinema keeps me sane.

Favorites atm: hand-drawn animation

Favorite films

  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • Ness un Nesija
  • The Secret of Kells
  • Paprika

Recent activity

  • Drowning Dry


  • Youth Eternal


  • Flow


  • Youth Eternal

Pinned reviews

  • The Room

    The Room


    I am becoming convinced that this is the ultimate passion project, and Tommy Wiseau has reached the peak of auteurism. That is why we love it. That's what makes it the most rewatchable movie ever made, and that's why its cult status has even reached mainstream audiences.
    In a Q&A Greg Sestero said that we are seeing a man's soul bared on a screen, and I am inclined to agree – this is the rawest emotion, and such authenticity could…

Recent reviews

  • Youth Eternal

    Youth Eternal


    (Man liekas, ka daudz ko no šī būtu atrisinājis kopčats.)

    Kopumā uz aktieru ansambli ir prieks skatīties. Domājams, tieši viņi ir iemesls, kādēļ es filmu esmu noskatījusies jau trīs reizes, un man vēl nav apnicis. Katrs no viņiem saprot savu varoni – varbūt tāpēc, ka arī viņi ir labi pazīstami ar scenārijā uzrakstīto dzīvi. Un, kā norāda arī Sonora Broka, Zača montāžas režisora bagāža palīdz filmai ritēt raiti, piebremzējot tieši īstajos brīžos, izliekot pareizos uzsvarus un stāstniecībā prasmīgi izmantojot krāsas un mūziku.
    Pilna recenzija šeit.

  • Youth Eternal

    Youth Eternal

    Labvēlīgais tips ir cool

Popular reviews

  • Guardians


    I thought Logan was the absolute masterpiece in the modern superhero cinema, but then I saw the glorious gem that is Защитники, and I am not so sure anymore.

  • Rara



    I really like it when films about LGBTQ issues emphasize not on how extraordinary, but how completely normal these relationships are.