So many movies, not enough time to watch them all.
Wish I liked this more than most. Love how close it feels in tone to the original Alien especially with its more analog feeling technology and its VFX work but it's such a shame for a film with such strengths in how it looks and sounds that the director goes down that deep fake/CGI route with Ian Holm's character which immediately took me out of the movie with how terrible it looks and feels. The characters bar our android Andy are all instantly forgettable, something the recent Alien films all have in common.
Alright Coen Brothers that's enough experimenting. You can go back to making films with eachother again.
I am probably being overly generous with Air but I really miss these kind of films from Hollywood. It’s good to see Ben Affleck back in the directors chair, as usual like most of his other work Air is an exceptionally well paced film, just a tight 1hr and 45mins that absolutely fly bye.
Thoroughly entertaining popcorn flick and a great cast to match, I honestly couldn’t tell you much about basketball but I’m a big fan of sports movies…
All for supporting more sci-fi especially ones with a serious tone and while The Creator adds nothing new to the genre with what is a pretty generic plot and is heavily elevated by Gareth Edwards direction in particularly how he conveys scale and I absolutely loved the gritty tone and feel of the film, like other directors working in sci-fi in particularly Denis Villeneuve, Gareth Edwards is great at having these big VFX heavy films feel tangible and grounded and…