Neon Nans

Neon Nans Patron

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Favorite films

  • The Neon Demon
  • A Bittersweet Life
  • Angel-A
  • The Fifth Element

Recent activity

  • Snow White


  • Fly Me to the Moon


  • Gamer


  • The Apprentice


Pinned reviews

  • The Neon Demon

    The Neon Demon


    'The Neon Demon' 2016 is not only my favourite film of the last decade but it's also my favourite film of all time too.

    This movie is genuinely all my passion, my addiction, my love for cinema and everything that inspires me, excites and drives me in life all crammed together into one cinematic masterpiece.
    In fact I think this film is so perfect and it means so much to me that its become a huge obsession of mine to…

  • Swallow



    Swallow is a film about striving for perfection, the effects of childhood trauma/abusive relationships & the struggle of tying to achieve inner peace/happiness. While its no means a pleasant watch Swallow is both breathtakingly stunning & beautifully depressing at the same time. That and also the shocking realisation that its also completley groundeded in reality too as it deals with such unusual yet very real circumstances make it truly unique and a heartbreaking story. We begin with seeing Hunter tidying her stunningly…

Recent reviews

  • Snow White

    Snow White


    I was never a fan of the animated Snow White so wasn't particularly hyped to see this despite being a big fan of most of the Disney live action films.

    Luckily to my surprise this wasn't too bad and I did end up having quite a good time watching it.

    I found the first half in particular really fun (even quite sinister in places too) but 'Princess Problems' do start to occur in the disjointed and rushed second half bringing…

  • Fly Me to the Moon

    Fly Me to the Moon


    Brisk, bright and bouncy a really fun and pleasant watch.

Popular reviews

  • Touch of Crude

    Touch of Crude


    Without question 'THE' best short film I've ever seen.

    A Touch Of Crude is so dazzling and teeming with directorial passion that I was almost sent into a hypnotic state while watching it. It's sound design, atmosphere and visuals felt like they all came together beautifully to encapsulate me in a weightless dream cocoon that I simply didn't want to emerge from.

    An elegant, mysterious, intriguing, beautiful and stylish splendor full of such curiosity and spellbinding wonder.

    (I watched and reviewed this when it came out back in January 2023 but for some reason Letterboxd keep removing a lot of NWR's work)

  • Mad God

    Mad God


    So grotesque, unique and beautiful in ways I can't even begin to explain.
    Chock full of all kinds of bodily fluids as well as tons of pain and suffering it really is a must see for both horror and animation fans.
    Not sure how they pulled it off but what a crazy atmospheric and disturbing ride it is from beginning to end.