Niall Cannon

Niall Cannon

Favorite films

  • Rosemary's Baby
  • Body Double
  • The Long Goodbye
  • Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

Recent activity

  • Janet Planet


  • The Teachers' Lounge


  • Juror #2


  • Return to Seoul


Recent reviews

  • Satan's Slave

    Satan's Slave


    Made not with a deft hand, but a cloven hoof. Gloriously nasty in parts, which (only partially) makes up for how otherwise lackadaisical it is. Still, its overriding weirdness — the incest in particular — makes it just fascinating enough, even if only as an anti-companion to Rosemary’s Baby since both films share the same basic framework; a young woman, under the influence of a coven, is used as a vessel for satan and the occult. Even as Satan’s Slave self-consciously evokes (maybe…

  • The Manchurian Candidate

    The Manchurian Candidate


    “A boy’s best friend is his mother.”

Popular reviews

  • How to Have Sex

    How to Have Sex


    It’s heartbreaking watching Tara withdraw into herself as the weight of her sexual assault, as well as the unspoken but overwhelming pressure to not harshen the vibe, forces her to disassociate. That her initial assault is only ever glimpsed through momentary flashbacks is suggestive of a delayed trauma response, as well as an evocation of the collective (un)consciousness of a party resort like Malia, where unwelcome memories of drunken nights resurface in the cold light of day.

    Indeed, a film…



    It’s been a little over four years since What Did Jack Do? debuted on Netflix, and about as long since it was added to my Netflix watchlist.

    In many ways the movie watchlist can be where good intentions go to die. We’re both blessed and cursed in this modern age of media oversaturation to have reached the point where a 17 minute David Lynch short about a homicide detective’s interrogation of a capuchin monkey suspected of murder is added to the…
