Unrelentingly funny, and exceptionally so given just how dark some of these wild tales get
Pitch-perfect dark humour that had me desperate for the credits not to roll, but left me plenty of thoughts to explore once they did
Unrelentingly funny, and exceptionally so given just how dark some of these wild tales get
Pitch-perfect dark humour that had me desperate for the credits not to roll, but left me plenty of thoughts to explore once they did
Might have saved the best of MIFF 2024 for the very end
Completely knocked out by Thelma (figuratively, wouldn’t dare cross her and risk it literally)
The funniest film I saw at MIFF 2024, packed full of laughs that subverted the Forum audience’s expectations at many a turn and prompted rapturous in-film applause
At the same time, its cleverly timed and heavy-hitting deployment of emotional beats throughout its runtime ensured that the film left a lasting impression on a younger Sunday night…
You can’t give me an independent coming-of-age film full of heart and not expect me to love it
Birthday card joke received the loudest laughter I’ve heard so far at MIFF 2024